My personal note to Katie


You say so often how much of a wimp you are when it comes to pain. You delivered Elena without any pain medication and you are making it successfully through, what the heart surgeons are saying is one of the most painful surgeries they do. More painful than open heart surgery! By God's grace and strength you have and are making it through! You are no longer the wimp you claim yourself to be! Trust and know that God has done a marvelous work in you and given you a wonderful podium from which to encourage others.

I have never had to endure the pain you have endured but I'm inspired by your courage and your faith! I love you! I am so, so, SO proud of you!



If this shows 3 times, it's because I keep writing and it doesn't show up. I just want Katie to know that I am still a "night owl" and I prayed for her all through the night last night until 7 am. I will do so everynight. She is not alone in the night. I am there, but most importantly our Jesus is there.

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