
As I sit here, seemingly twiddling my thumbs, I remembered I had been asked to broadcast about meals. So many people have offered to provide us meals during this time and we are greatful. It'll be very helpful for us and for our family watching our daughter during this time. My sister, Melissa, is taking on the duanting task of coordinating dates and times. If you're interested in providing a meal she can be reached at Here's an excerpt of an email she sent out yesterday regarding our needs where meals are concerned. This whole event is a growing experience for me - learning to ask for help, allowing others to help. I know even now, to do it on our own would be extremely difficult, so I'm trying to embrace it and just go with it (not to mention broadcasting to the world my lactose intolerance). Thank you all for those that are able to help in this way!

From Melissa...
Meals will start this coming Monday, November 17th and extend (for the time being) thru Sunday, December 21st. They will be open to receiving meals everyday from the Nov. 17-25th and then every other day after that.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when preparing their meals. The guidelines may sound stringent, but please realize they are in place for Katie's health, and these are not preferences, but necessities.

They must be:Low CholesterolLow SaltLow Fat
High FiberPlease use dairy sparingly, as Peter is lactose intolerant. He can handle some cheese sprinkled on top, just not excessive or heavy cream in a meal, etc.

Healthy examples: Use olive oil or
Promise instead of butter Use wheat pasta/whole grain bread instead of white pasta/bread

I know this may sound like a challenge, but I know some of you are up to it and more over, I know Peter and Katie are so grateful that y'all would do this for them. :)


Melissa said…
I know, I was surprised that you didn't mind me mentioning WHY to limit the dairy. :D

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