Recovery-Update 10

When we went in to visit at 8 PM Katie was sitting in the recliner. The recliner had been pulled up immediately next to her bed. The evening nurse was watching her closely because she was feeling like she was about to vomit (there's not a nice way to say that). Apparently she had been feeling really nauseous. As we talked with her she was in and out of it. Constantly trying to adjust her position, wires, tubes, pillows, etc. so that it didn't hurt so much. The nurse was also giving her medication to help with the nausea.

At 8:40ish she asked if she could be moved back to her bed so she could go to sleep and so that me and her sister Julie could tuck her in. We were allowed to wait outside her room while they moved her back into the bed. She let out some cries but they were not anywhere near what I expected to hear. She was being a trooper and her nurse was being very encouraging. Even still, I was having a hard time.

Once she was back in bed we talked with her a little longer as she slowly drifted into more sleep than consciousness. So, after a long day of being asked not to sleep, my exhausted wife is finally allowed to truly rest. Please pray for a peaceful, restful evening of sound sleep.

Her nurse said that when she is moved out of the ICU to the Telemetry floor is dependent on when the Dr's make their rounds (she can't leave until a Dr. gives the authorization) and when a bed is available. We are praying for that time as well. We'll be able to stay with her around the clock and assist in her care.

I'll be spending some time with Elena in the morning since she's only seen one of her parents (me) for about an hour since Tuesday night. Dan and Marcia are going to visit Katie at the 9 AM time and I'll be up there for the 11 AM time slot packed and ready to spend the night.

Good night everyone - except for Sharon who has committed herself to staying up a praying for Katie tonight! It means the world to us all the support we're getting. Thank you!


laurie d said…

We are sorry Katie is in so much pain and would also take some on if we could. Katie will remember the prayers, love, and support she received long after the memory of pain has faded. Every hour she is closer to coming home! I am so touched by your words, and those of your friends, Katie will be proud of YOU. I got Grandpa on the blog yesterday and he was impressed with all the long distance calls you are saving!

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