
I'm so humbled by the support of so many people --- thank you! I have lost count of the number of people that are praying for me, but I know that God has been answering everyone's prayers for peace. I feel physically, emotionally and spiritually uplifted today. I can only hope that my experience will bring hope, faith and encouragement to others.

On Sunday my pastor asked if he and elders of the church could come and pray with me. So, Monday evening they came to our home and prayed with us. My pastor and his wife, our worship pastor, our associate pastor and his wife, and one of the elders in his wife --- all came to pray and offer their support. It was a powerful expierence! There is no way Peter I could walk down this road without support from this loving group of people. From the time they left, I've been on a spiritual high of sorts... which is probably why I'm up so late. I'm simply in awe of how God is preparing my heart for the days and weeks ahead.

Tomorrow morning... well technically in about 6 hours, Peter and I will meet with my surgeon to go over the last details of Wednesday's events. Following my appointment, I'll go over to the hospital for pre-op. Then, hopefully after some lunch, we'll be going to sign our Wills with our lawyer. We'd been wanting to do a Will ever since having Elena, but we just didn't have a deadline... well, this has gotten us moving and the only time it worked out to sign it was the day before the surgery. After that, we will hopefully be able to return home and spend some time as a family before the big day.

Prayer for tomorrow:
As I write, Peter is sitting across the table from me working on a project due tomorrow at work. Please pray that he would reach it & be able to wrap up things at work quickly tomorrow, so we can enjoy some time as a family tomorrow evening. Please prayer for peace and strength for the day's activities. I'm dreading being away from Elena for a week. She'll be able to visit occasionally, but I know I'll miss her lots. Please pray that the time will pass quickly and she'll do well with her other caretakers.

Tomorrow I'll have the most up-to-date information on all the last minute details of my surgery. Stay tuned...


Unknown said…
Dear Katie,
Humbled is a good word. I've felt that way many times when the love and prayers of my family and friends (and strangers, too, sometimes)have swooped in to pull me through a hard time. You are in the best place you can be for surgery. You've got the best ever support group at home. Everything is going to go great. GOD is seeing to that already.
You are in my prayers (as always). I wish I was there to help, esp. with Elena. Your folks will keep us informed. This blog is a great idea.
Love and kisses to you and yours,
Donna aka Aunt P.
Melissa said…
It's so good to hear of your encouragement and peace. I love y'all mucho mucho!

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