Recovery-Update 3

Well, I got to do my 5 PM visit with Katie. She was extremely drowsy. The pain seemed to have decreased. She wasn't pushing her epideral drip (pain relief) button nearly as much as she had been before. She did mention nobody should have to go through this much pain. Hear oxygen tube, that sat at the base of her nose, had been removed and laying off to the side. Nausea, being hot and thirsty were the biggest issues. I take that as a good sign. While uncomfortable, it seems that with each visit, the issues become less "critical". The nurses gave her something to manage the nausea she was feeling and they brought in an oscillating fan to help cool her down. Once the nausea decreased I was allowed to give her some ice chips.

My 30 minute visit turned into a little over an hour. Thank you ICU nurses. Momma asked about her daughter. How is Elena? What did she do today? What is she doing right now? Even heavily sedated her desire to care for Elena doesn't cease. We called home so Momma could hear Elena's voice. I scratched her itches, read some scripture and finally sat as she fell asleep. I almost fell asleep myself.

It's ~7:20 PM now. The final visit of the day is at 8 PM. I'm praying she's still asleep when I see her. She's obviously extremely tired and her body needs the rest. Plus, it'll help the recovery time go by faster. Visitors aren't allowed to stay the night with patients in the ICU so I'll be heading home afterward and returning again tomorrow morning.

Please pray that Katie would have sound sleep tonight. That she would have a speedy recovery so she can be moved out of the ICU into a regular room (where we'll be able to stay with her continually) and for continued pain relief.

Thanks again everyone. It's been great to see so many of you following her progress throughout the day and lifting her and our family up in prayer!

I keeping hearing "Oh when the Saints come marching in" over and over in my head. That's what I feel like has happened today. Even though I can't see you, knowing you're out there praying has been so powerful! There's less than a handful of us in the waiting room but there's legions of Saints out there battling on their knees for us and for Katie! Thank you! May God bless each of you!


Enduring natural childbirth AND major heart surgery, Elena has one tough mommy! ;) Tell her we are praying for her, and that the nausea is most likely from the epidural.
Melissa said…
So glad to hear she's doing better! I know they'll take good care of her tonight. What time can you return to the hospital? Get some rest for yourself, I know you need it. Love you!
Anonymous said…
I am so glad to hear that you are doing well! MOPS has been praying for you and are reading your blog for updates! God bless and a speedy recovery!
Unknown said…
We are keeping you all in our prayers!!!
Jared & Alicia
Élise said…
Peter, Katie, Elena...
This is my first experience with a blog. I didn't realize you would update Katie's surgery on the blog. I figured I would just be waiting until Katie could update the blog herself. It was rather hard to think of waiting so long for some news...I'm so glad I decided to check in. I pray peace for Katie and for her whole family...And yes, Katie and all of you are in God's absolutely capable hands...Thank you! We love you and continue praying... Élise
MK said…
Peter, thanks for updating us. Tell Katie we are praying for her. I would like to offer help to watch Elena if you need help. We live so close and Brennan and Elena play well together... give me call anytime 832.222.2015 - Melody Kelley

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