One Year Ago Today

Today marks a year since my heart surgery. Last night I read through a lot of the blog and was thankful to have it all be behind me, to have had such great supportive husband, family and friends and a FAITHFUL God. I wish I could say that I'm not feeling any pain today. I knew going into this that the healing process would be long; but, I don't think I could have wrapped my mind around the concept of enduring chronic pain. Internally, I'm great - better of course because of the surgery. However, because they had to go through my back, my muscles are still weak and recovering. I'm constantly praying for strength and relief from the pain.

For the past couple weeks I went to physical therapy, hoping to find relief. I decided to continue the therapy at home (and not pay to have someone watch me do my exercises.) My plan is to dedicate myself to consistently do the exercises that aim to build my muscles back, which will intern cause the spasms to stop. I'll be re-evaluated after the new year, as to wether I need to seek further treatment. I'm doing all I can to help my body heal.

Thank you for you're continued prayers. Praise God for seeing me through this year of recovery!


Melissa said…
Wow! What a journey it's been for you! I'm sorry I didn't realize you still had so much pain. This update helps me to know how to pray for you. I'm glad you're posting again. I don't like that I miss so much of your lives, but this makes it a little easier. Love y'all!!
Libby Farris said…
Katie,I remember who we prayed over you a year ago. It is hard to believe that it has been so long. I am sorry to hear that the pain has continued, but glad that you are taking steps to get rid of it. Rehab exercises are hard to keep up with, but hopefully you will see an improvement, and that will inspire you every day to conitue them. You are in my prayers. Big hugs!
Morgan said…
I can't believe it's been a year! Yes, praise God for your health and healing!!
The Vann's said…
I can't believe it's been a year either! Wow. We will be praying for the pain to cease! I can't imagine living with that. You do it with such grace.

Praying for you~
Swan Family said…
I can't believe it has been a year already! I remember announcing it at MOPS and how awesome it was that everyone came up and put their hand on you and prayed!! AWESOME! I hope that your exercises help you with the pain. Miss you. Take Care!

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