Peter's Birthday Weekend

Friday afternoon Peter and I set off on his birthday adventure.  We'd bought tickets to the Third Day concert in College Station, a couple hours from our home.  Peter got the tickets several weeks ago... before it was forecasted to be cold.  We dropped Elena off with Abuelo and Abuela.  She was excited to spend time with them and the "bacas" (cows).  As we were leaving, she told us to "have fun!".  

Earlier in the week I made an executive decision spend the night Friday night in College Station and not drive back at an ungodly hour of the night/morning. I'd found this place called the 7F Lodge located just 10 minutes from where the concert. So, I made our reservations at 7F and luckily they had one cabin left ----- the Sugar Shack!

This place was awesome!!! It was such a needed retreat for both of us. If you get a chance read how this place started on their website. It is such a great story. Their motto is "LOVE SAVES LIVES". In addition to the Sugar Shack they have several other cabins in different themes.

After a quick bite to eat at one of our favorite places - Freebirds, we were off to the concert. It had been raining earlier in the day and when we arrived at the outdoor concert venue we were informed that the stage had flooded and the concert would be starting an hour and half later than the scheduled time. So we waiting in the cold. We finally got in and set up our little blanket on the ground and snuggled together to keep warm. There were two opening bands - Revive and Need to Breathe. They were both good; but quite honestly, I was so focused on the fact that I was freezing cold, that it was hard to enjoy anything! So, when Third Day finally came out, I only had a little bit of warm blood left in me. I knew how much Peter wanted to see them; so at one point I went to the bathroom and warmed my hands under the hand drier! It was soon after this, that Peter got too cold too and we decided to head back to 7F... with a quick detour to Starbucks for some hot chocolate!  That evening we enjoyed "jamming" on the electric guitar at the shack.

On Saturday, Peter's birthday, we slept in (yeah!) and enjoyed the continental breakfast left in our cabin.  We did a little sightseeing around 7F... check out the wedding chapel.  Absolutely gorgeous!  I decided maybe Elena could get married here; its just so pretty.

We headed back to Houston and met up with Peter's parents, Elena, Peter's sister and her family, and my parents for a birthday dinner at On the River - Peter's favorite place for fried shrimp & pickles!  I'd been telling Elena for a couple days that it was Dad's birthday coming up.  Instead of "Happy Birthday", she says "Happy Cake".  She was really looking forward to happy cake and helped Daddy blow out the candles.  

Some how I just got pictures of kiddos... our nephew, looking really cool.

I'm so blessed to have such an awesome husband. This past year has been full of challenges and I'm so grateful to have such a faithful and kind husband.  I love you, Peter!


Melissa said…
That was a great family dinner, we had a lot of fun! I love that "Peterbilt" shirt of Elena's! How appropriate. LOL BTW... I was having some serious cravings for Freebirds a couple of weeks ago. Wes kept asking what I wanted for dinner and I just kept saying, "Freebirds..." :( LOL
Swan Family said…
That is so awesome! Happy late bday Peter! It looks like you all had a blast! Love the guitar room!
The Heads said…
Wow! I so want to go now to 7F! What a fun, great place!
Ok seriously, Chip would die if he saw that place. First of all, he loves playing guitar more than anything! Secondly, you need to let me know next time Third Day is in town, we love them!
Swan Family said…
Hey Katie! I've been thinking about you and wondering how you've been! Hope all is well!

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