
This week Elena and I went to a strawberry patch. What fun! We were in good company - a bunch of mommies and kiddos from our church came too. Upon arrival one of the little girls kicked off her shoes... Elena followed suit and spent her time barefoot, eating as many
strawberries as she could. I tried motivating her to stop eating and "pick some for Daddy". No sooner did I turn around and she was back at it; she was taking it very seriously, so seriously, she couldn't break to smile for a picture... as you can see below.

We picked 4.5 pounds... paid around $7.50 and then on the way out I saw a LARGE box of already picked strawberries that were very ripe. The lady said she'd sell them to me for $2.00. DEAL! By the amount of effort it took me to carry the box to the car, I'm estimating there was about 20-25 pounds of strawberries in there. After sharing them with some friends and family, it still took me a couple hours to clean and freezer pack the ripe ones. I was sick of strawberries! Luckily by this evening, my sickness has lifted and we had strawberry shortcake for dessert. The real stuff - with biscuits & homemade whipped cream. Good stuff!


Holly said…
Looks like so much fun! Love the pics!!!! Can't wait to see you in July!
Melissa said…
Awww... I love it!!! I love that she is in the midst of eating one and has her other hand in the bucket for another! ;) And homemade strawberry shortcake- YUMMY! Y'all are so cute!
Morgan said…
I love the one of both of y'all...she is all business when it comes to eating strawberries!! Bobby was the same way!

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