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Where to begin when I've been gone so long. I've decided that I'll do a pictoral review of the last 6 months that the blogging world has missed out on. One week turned into two and then months go by... oh well, no apologies needed... will you care to read again? I guess I'll just wait and see. Also, I'll do a general post on the highlights of life and on my next post, I'll give you an update on my healing progress.
So, to ease my way back in to blogging.... here's some pictures. I decided to not leave you to wonder what we did for the last six months... so there are lots of pictures!
Easter Bunny Baking with Mama & Elena

Easter Celebration

My sister, Elena, my mom & me
A relaxing reunion with Peter's college friends on Lake Travis in Austin.

Mother's Day & Elena's Dedication
Cousin Gregory & Elena initiate holding hands - too cute!

Attended my brother Mark's graduation from Taylor University... and lost the pictures of the graduation ... ugh. This picture is another picture of our trip to Ohio, after the graduation.
It's not posed, Elena decided to join Uncle Mark. Way to go, Mark!

Visited my family in Ohio. Peter & I did a "photo shoot" with my cousin Sarah for her senior pictures... isn't she beautiful! Class of 2010!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Elena Grace!

Blowing out candles on her Elmo 'happy cake'!

She wanted ice cream cones too... or maybe that was mama :)

4th of July was spent at the Cruz Family reunion at Peter's parent's home in the country. Lots of fun, lots of food & of course fireworks!

My siblings and my grandma hosted a 30th Anniversary party for my parents. They had just returned from an Alaskan cruise and we celebrated with food from around the world, different places they have lived. Cooking a 4 course meal for 25 people was an adventure. It turned out to be a great night!

Pottery Barn Ad 2009 - just kidding, but it looks like out takes from one. Another reunion weekend with college friends. We celebrated Reagan's 2nd birthday together (middle chair with Elena). These kids had a blast together - and the adults did too!

Fun at the beach in Galveston.

Carving Elena's first pumpkin!

Grandma Laurel came for a visit. Four generation photo shoot.