baby blessing

I feel so blessed to announce a quick answer to our prayers... I'm pregnant! We went to the midwives yesterday and I'm 8 weeks, 2 days; due January 17, 2011! I posted a couple months ago about our miscarriages and I was prepared for it to be awhile to make this announcement, needless to say we are SO thankful for this quick answer to prayer. We continue to pray as we make our way through the first trimester. Until Sunday when morning sickness hit, my main symptom has been fatigue - luckily Elena is more than able to entertain herself these days. Now I will battle morning sickness - hoping that it won't be long.

The midwife did tell us that they are not willing to take on my case, due to my cardiac history, so we're trying to decide on an OB/GYN. I was sad to hear that, as I've heard such good things about the midwives from my friends; although I'm thankful that they are honest to hand me off to be in a higher level of care. Not sure if I'll be treated as "high risk" yet, but we'll see what our new OB/GYN has to say.

It was so wonderful to see the little heart moving... can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl. My current prediction is boy. Peter would really like a boy. We're going to hold off on telling Elena at least until after the first trimester is over... maybe longer if we can contain ourselves in an effort to make the wait not so long for her.


Coffman Family said…
CONGRATULATIONS! Looks like you'll have plenty of ob/gyn recs to choose from. ;) Looking forward to you sharing about this pregnancy on your blog and I'll join you in praying it goes full term.
Katie said…
thank you so much for your prayers, cynthia!
Jason and Sarah said…
So excited for you! I will keep u in my prayers! Elena is going to be a great big sister!
Annette said…
Congratulations!! So happy for you guys! What a blessing. I will be praying the Lord leads you to the right doctor(s) and that His hand will be upon you and the baby :)
Praise the Lord! We will keep praying for a healthy pregnancy!
Katie said…
thanks friends/family! we are anxious to tell elena... but trying to hold it in.
casey said…
Congrats!! We are so excited for you!
Melissa said…
I should really check your blog more often! ...even if I already knew. ;) We are so happy for y'all and I know Gregory will be thrilled to have another cousin. I can hear him now, "Awww... baby!!!... so cute!" :) So it's official, I'll be staying in Texas a little longer this winter. :D
jen said…
Congratulations, Katie & Peter! So happy to hear such good news! I have a good OB/GYN, if you're interested, although I've never had a baby...;)
Corene said…
Wonderful news, Katie! I am so excited for you. Hope you are feeling better by now...

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