Peter's Birthday Weekend

Friday afternoon Peter and I set off on his birthday adventure. We'd bought tickets to the Third Day concert in College Station, a couple hours from our home. Peter got the tickets several weeks ago... before it was forecasted to be cold. We dropped Elena off with Abuelo and Abuela. She was excited to spend time with them and the "bacas" (cows). As we were leaving, she told us to "have fun!". Earlier in the week I made an executive decision spend the night Friday night in College Station and not drive back at an ungodly hour of the night/morning. I'd found this place called the 7F Lodge located just 10 minutes from where the concert. So, I made our reservations at 7F and luckily they had one cabin left ----- the Sugar Shack ! This place was awesome!!! It was such a needed retreat for both of us. If you get a chance read how this place started on their website. It is such a great story. Their motto is "LOVE SAVES LIVES". In addition t...